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Monday, June 14, 2010

Boot Camp - Day 1

Despite all my moaning lately there is one positive in my life - I have officially reached my pre-pregnancy weight. My body still needs some work though as my clothes don't quite fit right. Who can blame it, though, after what pregnancy did to it?

There's a TV show called "The Last 10 Pounds Boot Camp" where a personal trainer and nutrition coach help people loose around 10 pounds in four weeks. It includes intense work outs and a fairly restricted diet. I find it amazing what these people accomplish.
I have decided to attempt my own version of it. It is three and half weeks until our vacation out west to visit Trevor's family and friends and I'd love to be down another five pounds and a few more inches by then. Since this will be self directed the diet and exercise won't be as hard core which is why I'm aiming for five pounds instead of ten.

I'm going to bore you all by blogging extensively about my process.

My measurements (ugh!)
Weight: 133
Bust: 37
Waist (at belly button): 35

My target area is my waist which is still stretched and poofy from pregnancy. Getting rid of white starches and upping my activity will help tone that.

My food intake for today:
Breakfast: 1/3 up oatmeal with brown sugar and 1 cup of milk
Lunch: 1 whole wheat tortilla with deli meat, cheese and lettuce, 1 cup carrots
Snack: 10 almonds and half a pear, a few Bits n Bites and chocolate chips.
Workout: 40 minute interval run
Supper: 4 oz pork tenderloin, 3 cup salad
Snack: 3 cups popcorn with a little butter, 10 triscuit thin crackers 1 cup of milk

As I look at that I see overall not bad. I ate too much in the evening. I was hungry and likely from not enough carbs earlier in the day. Veggies and fruit were lacking a bit which also help curb appetite.. We'll see how this impacts tomorrows choices!


Anonymous said...

ooh i love diet and health stuff. i find it fascinating. best of luck!

kraftykash said...

I find that if I focus more on how much better I feel, than looking at the scale....the results are better. I think you did a great job. Drink a ton of water. That helps alot.

